Cчитыватель кодов FQ-CR1

  • Cчитыватель кодов FQ-CR1
  • Cчитыватель кодов : FQ-CR1

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Все коды в одно касание

Новый компактный считыватель кодов FQ-CR1 обеспечивает точное, надежное и простое считывание штрих-кодов и двумерных кодов благодаря превосходной технологии идеальной четкости, используемой и в других изделиях высоко оцененного семейства датчиков технического зрения FQ.

  • Считыватель одномерных кодов
  • Считыватель двумерных кодов
  • Идеально четкое изображение
  • Управление одним касанием при помощи простого графического меню

Основная информация


Multi Code Reader



FQ-CR10 ⬜⬜⬜⬜ -M


FQ-CR15 ⬜⬜⬜⬜ -M

Field of view

 (Tolerance (field of vision): ± 10% max.)

Installation distance

Main functions

Inspection items

2D Code (Data Matrix(EC200), QR Code, MicroQR Code, PDF417, MicroPDF417, GS1-Data Matrix)

Bar Code (JAN/EAN/UPC, Code39, Codabar (NW-7), ITF (Interleaved 2 of 5), Code 93, Code128/GS1-128, GS1 DataBar* (Truncated, Stacked, Omnidirectional, Stacked Omnidirectional, Limited, Expanded, Expanded Stacked), Pharmacode, GS1-128 Composite Code (CC-A, CC-B, CC-C)

Image filter


Verification function


Retry function

Normal retry, Exposure retry, Scene retry, Trigger retry

Number of simultaneous measurements


Position compensation


Number of registered scenes




Image processing method


Image filter

High dynamic range (HDR) and polarizing filter (attachment)

Image elements

1/3-inch Monochrome CMOS


1/250 to 1/30,000

Processing resolution

752 × 480

Partial input function

Supported horizontally only.


Lighting method


Lighting color


Data logging

Measurement data

In Sensor: 1,000 items (If a Touch Finder is used, results can be saved up to the capacity of an SD card.)


In Sensor: 20 images (If a Touch Finder is used, images can be saved up to the capacity of an SD card.)

Auxiliary function

Math (arithmetic, calculation functions, trigonometric functions, and logic functions)

Measurement trigger

External trigger (single or continuous)

I/O specifications

Input signals

7 signals

Single measurement input (TRIG)

Control command input (IN0 to IN5)

Output signals

3 signals

Control output (BUSY)

Overall judgement output (OR)

Error output (ERROR)

Note: The three output signals can be allocated for the judgements of individual inspection items.

Ethernet specifications



I/O expansion



Power supply voltage

21.6 to 26.4 VDC (including ripple)

Current consumption

2.4 A max.

Environmental immunity

Ambient temperature range

Operating: 0 to 50ºC, Storage: −25 to 65ºC

(with no icing or condensation)

Ambient humidity range

Operating and storage: 35% to 85% (with no condensation)

Ambient atmosphere

No corrosive gas

Vibration resistance (destruction)

10 to 150 Hz, single amplitude: 0.35 mm, X/Y/Z directions

8 min each, 10 times

Shock resistance (destruction)

150 m/s2 3 times each in 6 direction (up, down, right, left, forward, and backward)

Degree of protection

IEC 60529 IP67 (Except when Polarizing Filter Attachment is mounted or connector cap is removed.)


Sensor: PBT, PC, SUS, Mounting Bracket: PBT, Polarizing Filter Attachment: PBT, PC

Ethernet connector: Oil-resistance vinyl compound, I/O connector: Lead-free heat-resistant PVC


Narrow View/Standard View: Approx.160 g Wide View: Approx. 150 g

Accessories included with sensor

Mounting Bracket (FQ-XL)(1), Polarizing Filter Attachment (FQ-XF1) (1), Instruction Manual, Quick Startup Guide, Member Registration Sheet, Warning Label

LED class

Class 2(Applicable standards: IEC 60825-1:1993 +A1:1997 +A2:2001,EN 60825-1:1994 +A1:2002 +A2:2001, and JIS C 6802:2005)

Applicable standards

EN 61326-1:2006 and IEC61010-1

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